Friday, 30 July 2010
Jaroslav Hubeny: Pre Slovenky bude domáca VC generálkou na kvalifik...
Pre Slovenky bude domáca VC generálkou na kvalifikáciu
Slovenské basketbalové reprezentantky pripravujúce sa na augustovú kvalifikáciu európskeho šampionátu v roku 2011 v Poľsku sa po dvoch prípravných turnajoch v maďarskom Szombathelyi a v tureckej Konyi konečne predstavia aj pred domácim publikom na tradičnej Veľkej cene Slovenska. Tri vystúpenia v košickej Infinity Aréne budú zároveň aj generálkou na šesticu zápasov kvalifikácie, z ktorých tri domáce stretnutia odohrajú zverenky Pokey Chatmanovej práve v tejto košickej športovej hale.
Program Veľkej ceny Slovenska v basketbale žien v Košiciach:
piatok 30. júla: Brazília - Srbsko (17.00), SLOVENSKO - Rusko (19.00)
sobota 31. júla: Rusko - Brazília (17.00), SLOVENSKO - Srbsko (19.00)
nedeľa 1. augusta: Srbsko - Rusko (17.00), SLOVENSKO - Brazília (19.00)
Slovak basketball national team preparing for the European Championship qualification of August in 2011 in Poland, after two preparatory tournaments in Hungarian and Turkish Konya Szombathelyi finally presented before the home crowd in the traditional Grand Prix of Slovakia. Three performances in Kosice Infinity Arena will also overhauls the sextuplet qualification matches, three home meetings happen zverenky Pokey Chatmanovej just in the sports hall of Košice.
Program Grand Prix of Slovakia in the women's basketball in Kosice:
Friday 30th July: Brazil - Serbia (17:00), Slovakia - Russia (19:00)
Saturday 31st July: Russia - Brazil (17:00), Slovakia - Serbia (19:00)
Sunday 1st August: Serbia - Russia (17:00), Slovakia - Brazil (19:00)
Sunday, 25 July 2010
Jaroslav Hubeny: Last Loveparade
Last Loveparade
Who don‘t knows Loveparade, hundreds of thousands of people dancing in the open air in the centre of Berlin.
Just so you all remember this the wild celebration of love, which is marked by the techno music of famous music artists and visitors from around the world. In 2008 recorded a record 1.6 million people visited this event.
By the words of the organizers this is the last year of Loveparade. The Disaster, which killed 19 people and wounded 342. German media reported that this year's party visited more than 1.4 million people. "It's the end of the Loveparade," said festival manager Rainer Schaller.
Among the 16 identified victims from the total number of 19 are Italian, Dutch, Chinese and Australian. The accident happened on Saturday shortly after 17:00, when workers closed the entrance to the premises of techno. Panic broke out in which the victim treat down and stifled terrified visitors.
Kto nepozná LOVEPARADE , státisíce tancujúci ľudí pod holým nebom v Centre Berlína.
Tak takto si všetci pamätáme tuto divokú oslavu lásky, ktorá sa niesla v znamení techno hudby slávnych hudobných tvorcov a návštevníkov z celého sveta. V roku 2008 zaznamenala rekordných 1,6milióna ľudí.
Podľa slov organizátorov tohoročná LOVEPARADE bola posledná. Dôvodom je nešťastie, pri ktorom zahynulo 19 ľudí a 342 utrpelo zranenie. Nemecké média informovali že na tohoročnú party prišlo viac ako 1,4 milióna ľudí. „Je to koniec pre Loveparade,“ povedal vedúci festivalu Rainer Schaller.
Medzi 16 identifikovanými obetami s celkového poctu 19 sú Talian, Holanďan, Číňan a Austrálčanka . Nešťastie sa odohralo v sobotu krátko po 17:00, keď pracovnici uzavreli vstup do priestorov technopárty. Vypukla panika pri ktorej obete ušliapali a zadusili vydesený návštevníci.
Saturday, 24 July 2010
Summer Shakespeare Festival in Kosice
Shakespeare the idea for the game with an actual story of ancient history, the size of the celebration of life, love, human and animal nature, the contrasting background, the desire for power, misery and political career. As the translator Hilský Martin: "The game does not contain even one erotic scene in the true sense, Antony and Cleopatra are never on stage secluded always speak with someone in the presence of the third. There is a type of religion where love Romeo and Juliet, and yet there it is almost palpable erotic ... I would say that Antony and Cleopatra is that most erotic game ever Shakespere wrote. "
Marcus Antonius-Ján Koleník
Kleopatra, egyptská kráľovná-Henrieta Mičkovicová
Octavius Caesar-Ľuboš Kostelný
Domitius Enobarbus-Petr Halberstadt
Agrippa-Jan Revai
Octavia, sestra Octavia Caesara-Danica Jurčová
Prvý posol-Peter Oszlík
Druhý posol-Michal Szoltés
Charmian-Zuzana Kanócz
Alexas-Csongor Kassai
Lepidus-Braňo Matuščin
Klaun-Tomáš Horváth
Enjoy it !
Monday, 19 July 2010
Kosice Slovakia
The city of Kosice, the second largest city in Slovak Republic is located in the eastern part of Slovakia, close to the borders with Hungary (20km), Ukraine (80km), and Poland (90km). Its favourable location made Kosice an important for business journeys in the past, and today it is a key economic contribution, as well as a crossroads of transport routes thank to the railway junction and the international airport. As far as its administrative boundaries are concerned, the city has surface area of 244 km2, and 234 237 inhabitants live in it (year 2007). the average age of an inhabitant of the city is 35,13 year. Therefore, Kosice is referred to as the city of the young. There are more than 40 elementary schools administered by the city. Its network of secondary schools is composed of "gymnasia" (secondary schools), secondary vocational schools, business academies, medical schools and arts schools. The highest degree of education is provided by 9 faculties of the University of P.J.Safarik, the university of veterinary Medicine and other offices of Slovak universities.
Friday, 16 July 2010
Best In Guide Kosice
An Exclusive Guide Through Košice & Slovakia
Košice, is the second largest city in Slovakia, is the administration centre of the Košice region and the metropolis of Eastern Slovakia at the same time.
The city is rich in its history, however, it has much to offer at present as well. Its geographic location in the middle of the Košice Valley was suitable for settlement already in the paleolithic finding of a municipality in the present town district Barca.